Mike Vickers' Blog

May 4, 2020

Boris Johnson or is it Henry VIII

Filed under: Brexit, Coronavirus, Johnson, Michael Gove, Nick Cohen — derryvickers @ 7:07 am

Henry VIII with Cardinal Wolsey or is it Thomas Moore, or even Thomas Cromwell; their time will come.


September 6, 2019

Michael Gove: the Air Raid Warden in Dad’s Army

Filed under: Brexit, Europe, Michael Gove, Politics, UK Parliament, War — derryvickers @ 10:20 am

Michael Gove. He was like an air raid warden from Dad’s Army. He had plans for supplies of medicines and food. Trucks were assigned to country lanes. Guards were reinforcing Dover. Two billion pounds will pour into farms, fisheries, manufacturing and hospitals. No expense will be spared, no cost too great, to keep the dastardly foreigner from our shores. MPs purred. They loved it.


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